When we were in the throes of working on our rebrand, one of the exercises we did with the entire team was to write our values on post-its. Surprisingly, or maybe not, the word ‘kindness’ came up more than once. It was one of the words we all immediately agreed on with zero debate over whether or not there was a ‘better’ or more accurate word. Kindness is essential to who we are, both as individuals and as a brand.
We are, and have always been, exceptionally proud of the bonds we have built, with clients, each other, influencers, and media. In an industry where relationships can feel transactional and impersonal, we emphasize nurturing real connections that feel authentic and genuine.
In PR, this can look like a few things: handwritten thank-you notes to media after coordinating a great editorial piece covering one of our clients, ensuring we only reach out with story ideas that fit within their interests and wheelhouse, being specific and organized for a totally streamlined process, and more. When significant layoffs were happening throughout the pandemic, we ensured our outreach decisions were tactful, sensitive, and appropriate.
When it comes to working with influencers, one of the most important things we always convey to clients (especially if they experience sticker shock at the prices) is that influencer work is work and is incredibly valuable. We always want every influencer we work with to know they are appreciated and above all, respected.
It shouldn’t need saying, but treating people like people pays dividends. We are so proud of the long-lasting relationships we have built over the years and the results speak for themselves.