It’s so hard to believe that we’re already wrapping up 2022 and looking ahead to 2023.
This past year was filled with a lot of exciting changes – some worked out, and some didn’t. A rebrand we worked so hard to bring to life, team changes, new clients. It’s hard to sum up the last 12-months into words, but one comes to mind – gratitude. For my team, our clients, and the people who have supported me every step of the way.
At the beginning of 2022, we were in the midst of our rebrand and I was deciding whether or not we would change our business name. I’ve known this business as Reformation since I first joined the previous owner as an eager Account Director shy of a decade ago. Reformation means change – and to be honest, there’s not a better word I can think to sum up my time with this company to date. We’ve rolled with the punches and evolved and innovated every step of the way. But after taking over the business in 2020, and the evolution our team and business had seen, it felt like a new brand, and a new name was just what was needed to make it feel like my own while still honouring the core of who we were.
The name kin came to me in the middle of the night after weeks of going back and forth on name options. Kin means one’s family and relations, and when I see those words, I think of connection. Connection to our team, our clients, and the people we work with. Throughout my career nothing has ever meant more to me than the people I worked with each and every day. So kin it was because after all, we’re people people – taking a people-first approach in everything we do.
The rebrand was an almost 12-month process, starting with discovery and positioning. It taught me a lot about who I was as a business owner, the company I wanted to build, and the team I wanted to lead. I was fortunate enough to work with Partners & Hawes on our rebrand, the agency I worked at before I came to Reformation. It was surreal to be working on something so important to me, with my previous boss and mentor at the helm, Taya Hawes-Puiu. This project was personal and Taya and her team understood that.
Shortly after the rebrand happened we announced a merger, one that didn’t last the year. The decision to enter the partnership and leave the partnership were both not taken lightly, but in the end, it was ultimately the best decision for both of us. Through this experience I learned A LOT. From my business partner at the time, from my team, and a lot about myself. I learned that at the end of the day I need to trust myself. Taking risks is healthy and necessary, but every decision you make impacts the team behind you, and the weight of that was never lost on me. My team means everything to me and I’m beyond grateful for them.
This past year we’ve accomplished a lot together. You can read more about what our team has been up to in our 22 wins of 2022 here.
I’m so looking forward to 2023 and all of the exciting things we have planned. Thank you for being here, it means the world.
– Pam