For companies and brands across all industries, investing in a PR or digital agency can be a revolutionary business move.

PR, social media and digital agencies all offer a unique set of services, a distinct (and hopefully positive) client experience and provide expert strategy and execution to support brands in meeting even their loftiest business goals. 

There are hundreds of innovative agencies and talented people out there doing incredible work behind the scenes of your favourite brands and companies. Despite so much talent to tap into, it can be hard to decide which approach is best for you – whether it be an agency, hiring a contractor on a project or campaign basis or bringing someone in-house to meet your PR and digital needs.

To help break things down we’re sharing our process to shed some light on what we’re all about. Below find insight about our approach and how we could potentially help support you in meeting your brands goals, both big and small.

1. Discovery – Identifying your objectives 

When a potential client first reaches out one of the first things we ask in a discovery call is, ‘what are your objectives?’ This isn’t simply what your goals are for social media, digital marketing or media relations – these are your business goals. It might go without saying but your work with any agency should operate in tandem with your overall business strategy – this is how the real magic happens.

This part of the process is an important time for new clients (or potential clients) to play an active role in bringing us into the fold about those goals and any challenges your business may be facing. We’re here to listen – as no one knows your business better than you. From there we share our expertise and make recommendations about the services we think will be best to help bring those big dreams of yours to fruition. Once we decide to move forward, you will receive our in-depth customized client intake form to get into all those details.

2. Strategy is always foundational

Our strategy process is one-of-a-kind. Indepth, intentional and results-driven, curated just for you. Throughout this process we dive deep into your competitors, research brands you love, identify who your audience is (with your help) and map out how to best reach them. 

We’ll select the right platforms or avenues for you to reach your target audience and tailor our services to meet your needs. That could be through social media, influencer engagement, digital advertising, media relations or e-commerce.

This phase is also where we craft key messaging and brand materials, come up with campaign ideas and lay out the specific tactics we’ll execute during our work together.

3. Presenting the ideas

Once our research is complete and the plan is solidified we get to share it with you – one of our favourite parts of the process.

In a formal (but always fun) presentation we’ll take you through the plan. We’ll share creative ideas that will have you jumping for joy, highlight key recommendations, share the timeline and outline a roadmap for our work together.

Our presentations are always best when they’re collaborative. We encourage participants to ask questions, share feedback in the moment as it comes up and don’t hesitate to give us more business insight as inspiration strikes. After gathering any feedback or ideas generated in the meeting we adjust our plans accordingly. Once everyone is happy with the plan we prepare for the big launch.

4. The big launch

As we prepare for our work together we start preparing content for posting, drafting media materials and setting up systems internally. This is where you hand over social media logins, we update account bios (if needed) and start laying the groundwork for the official start date. It’s an excellent chance to get to know each other better – how you like to be communicated with and what our processes are. You’ll be approving content and delivering as much, or as little feedback as you’d like, every step of the way.

When it’s time for the big launch social media posts are published, community management begins, influencer outreach is sent, media pitches are deployed and ads go live. We work with you to execute these tactics with your support.

5. Analyze, innovate + adapt

One of the best parts of working in the digital space is the data. What’s even better is that we review it for you, so you don’t have to. We review your analytics and allow it to inform our strategy as needed. 

We share this analysis in our detailed weekly updates sent every Friday. After your first 3 months of our work together we prepare a cumulative report recapping the data, after you begin to receive monthly reports recapping key wins, progress and important analytics.

From there we’re always innovating. Staying on top of the trends (so you don’t have to). The digital and PR landscape is constantly changing and it’s our job to assess what’s happening, as it’s happening and pivot as needed.

If you’re interested in learning more about our results-driven process and creative solutions we’d love to hear from you.

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